is clearly a job that is always evolving, specially recently, where we are
dealing with children who are digitally native. They were born in a world where
all the information is right at their fingertips. These have made me brainstorm
everyday on how to enhance students learning. I search for activities, look for
new ideas and resources. I recently read “NMC Horizon Report:
2013 K-12 Edition”, where the New Media Consortium (NMC) examined the trends in
technology and their impact on teaching, learning and creative inquiry. It
shows the trend in a short, medium and long period of implementation. Similarly,
I will share the ideas I have to be implemented into my teaching on Monday,
next year and in 3 years.
to be able to enhance your teaching you need to be aware of the resources you
have access to in school. Is there enough material? Can I order it? How long
will it take to get here? Is it possible to buy equipment? Do I have enough
room or proper areas to develop my ideas? Sometimes many of these questions cannot
be solved in many schools, but you still want to enhance learning. One of the
options when you do not have space, equipment or materials is to use
technology. For example, if you can not have a proper laboratory, why not try
virtual labs, where your students can do a simulation on mixing materials and
seeing the reactions and from there creating a more understandable lab report.
If you, on the other hand, have a lab you may try them for experiments that are
too dangerous to do in class. Imagine you would like students to see reactions
or uses of strong acids. With this in mind, I will ask my students to try a
simulation on freezing online on Monday. I have decided to do it this way
because the normal freezing lab takes at least 2 classes. I would like to save
some time in order to have an extra unit on plastics at the end of the year,
something more applicable and that involves production of materials we use
In a
year I would like to have a strong curriculum with flipped classrooms. I would
like to have several videos showing students the concepts they will be using in
their next class. When they get to the lab, they know what to do and we focus
on any problems or question that arise during the practice. We would even have
time to discuss their results and lab write-up using Evernote, instead of
having them write their lab reports alone. I would also like to have a paper-
less classroom, where students did all of their writings in the computer and
shared them in a Google Site, where they could show their lab reports,
homework, research, reflections etc. This would be also a great way to show them
how to communicate their findings. Besides, as a teacher it would be easier to
look at their sites and see their work and grade where ever you are. Parents
could be checking what students do daily in class and for homework. Even videos
of laboratories or pictures of projects could be uploaded. It is also a great
tool to be able to assess growth in student’s skills, not only per year, but
through out the students leaning experience, if used every year from K-12. That
could even be used as a link to show universities all of your work.
In 3
years, I would like to be able to have a three-D printer, where students could
be able to reproduce models of things they are working with. For example, let’s
think of the option of showing how the polar molecules in water arrange and how
they create ice. Showing the crystal arrangement. Students could be able to
show others their 3D models from where they could teach them also, making it
part of a MYP project. I would like to flatten my classroom. The idea of
sharing with others seems extremely appealing. There are many physical
components that have an influence in the way we get results. For example, it is
known that the altitude has an influence on the boiling point. If we are able
to share the results with other classes around the world, we could have
extremely valuable discussions. More importantly, we would be creating an
understanding that collaborative work is very useful and that due to the
technological advantages of this era, we are able to do it with people around
the world. We will be enhancing the mission of our school in making students
global citizens. Lastly, I would like to have an inflatable projector dome. For
starters, projections space and the celestial dome could be shown. However,
with time, I am sure other projections could be done that involves the use of a
round surface. Classes such as social studies, art and math (with its
applications) could be highly benefited by this.
reflection has been centered in the uses of technology in a science class. But,
these new resources and their applications have no limits. When you create a
Personal Learning Network, or a Professional one you will be able to see all of
the options there are online, how many people would like to flatten their
classroom, ideas to flip your class, ideas for 3D printing and uses in general
of many apps and technology. The
examples are endless and they are applicable to all classes. Even PE where a
flip classroom could show the rules and procedures, having students get to
class and just play the game.
options are there, the change is here, don’t be afraid and embrace the
evolution of learning.
I have attached some modifications I have done to one of my lesson plans. This is a first approach. Many other
modifications will be done to be able to flatten the classroom and to have it
flipped completely as I explained in the beginning of this post. I hope you
find this useful.
Johnson, L. “Download the NMC Horizon Report > 2013 K-12 Edition.” 2013. http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2013-horizon-report-k12.pdf
Johnson, L. “Download the NMC Horizon Report > 2013 K-12 Edition.” 2013. http://www.nmc.org/pdf/2013-horizon-report-k12.pdf
Unit 2- The
Universe’s size, age and the Solar System
(Some modification have been
done to include more technology)
Learning activities
Homework out
1 The Universe (intro)
Is air matter?
Definition of energy and matter.
Demonstrations to see that air is
Students talk among themselves about what they think energy
and matter is. Discuss as a group and write down the definitions:
Energy is the ability to do work
Matter takes up space and has mass.
Have them check with their thumbs to state what is matter
or energy.
(table, fire, rock, electricity, water)
What about air?
Have students use the materials to figure out if air is
matter or energy.Students work in partners, each one has to fill in their
Go around and guide students if needed.
Before class ends be sure to give them time to write down
their conclusion and check with them what they did and they can share with
the class one of the things they tried.
Ask students to bring their devices.
By partners: a cup, string, a balloon, a ruler, a ball of
paper, a sheet of paper, an eyedropper, a straw and a tray.
For the group: water, liquid soap and 2 triple beam balances.
2. Intro to the
How big is the Universe?
How far away is everything in relationship to Earth?
1. To start show the video
of The size of Earth in comparison.
2. With the use of the internet allow students to see the
difference in size and the different things there are in the Universe. Use
the link provided in the resources. Ask your students
to write in their Google Site Under
their 6th grade Science Class a reflection of what they saw. What they
learned and what interested them the most.
3. Have them search
about one of the things they saw in the previous site and in their site have them write a small
paragraph about it, have them include a picture in their google site. Students share their findings
with others, use the head projector
to show their sites.
3. The Universe Age and More
1.Worksheet has to be set up as a google form for students to vote on the sizes and age. The
Smithsonian flashcards have to be
posted around the class in QR codes.
2.Have students use the shared
google form to vote on the right order of size and age of the Universe
3. Discuss as a
class their findings.
Watch video on how to write an outline (flipped classroom)
5 How to write an outline
Steps to write an outline
1.Show students a video on
how to write an outline.
2. Have students do an outline (we start with Title, then
use Roman numbers, then capital letters, then 1 and lower case letters) of
Section 1 Pgs 700-705 . Do the first
part together with them and later ask them to finish on their own. These
should be done on Evernote.
6. Solar System and Scale
Learn to convert to scale and the reality of distances in
the Solar System
1. Show students how to convert things to scale.
2. Have students do calculations or a schematic plan (Using
google maps take a screen shot of the
ASF football field and print for them to have as a schematic) students need
to figure out how they will place themselves in the football field. Have them
do all the calculations in teams of 2 o 3 teams of 8. Go to the football
field check with them if they were correct by assessing their placement on
the field.
NOTE: 1 AU= 3 yd
In the Nasa PDF there is a chart with the distances between
the planets on pgs 6 and 7, or pg 20. You can show them with the head
projector or get copies per team (3) and highlight the AU column.
When you get back have a wrap up activity asking them which were the inner and outer planets and
why. Have them learn the order of the planets with a youtube video song.
Use Socrative to check
Ask students to bring a device.
Have them be sure it has a QR reader |
Nasa PDF
7 The Solar System
Student learn about the Solar System (planets, comets, sun,
Students use the QR’s
around the class to find out information about the Solar System, In partners
they fill in a worksheet.
The Solar System Quest:
Solar System Quest
1.- Science
2.- Possible Themes
QR Codes in the Instructional Plan for Your Classroom
3.- Lesson Overview
Students in pairs will review the Solar System by scanning different QRs leading them to different sites and apps where they will be able to read about planets and play games. While doing this they will be answering a worksheet which will be graded.
4.- Objectives/Learning Outcomes
Review the Solar System, the planets, their characteristics and their arrangement. Learning outcomes are: cooperation to complete a task, better understanding of scientific data on the Solar System, uses of different sources of information and the use of technology to learn in an interactive way.
5.- Guiding/Essential Questions
1. What and how do scientists classify the Solar System?
2. What are the planets characteristics and what is the relationship between distance of a planet from the sun and the length of its year?
3. How is the Earth affected by its position in the Solar System?
4. Where are we in the Universe?
6.-Lesson Title
Solar System At Your Fingertips
7.- Topic and context
6th Grade, Science, The Solar System
Mobile devices: ipads, ipods, iphones, smart phones
Internet connection
Printed versions of the worksheet (a worksheet for every two students)
Printed versions of the QRs with the information and the clues.
Different websites which include the information for which different QRs were created.
9.- How will this lesson be assessed?
This lesson will be assessed by a worksheet that will be answered by the students in pairs during the activity with the use of the QRs. The worksheet includes an attached rubric.
10- Student Reflection
Students were able to review key concepts from previous lessons in a fun interactive way, while cooperating with their partners to answer the worksheet. They will also reflect on who we are in the Universe, Solar System and Earth.
11.- Lesson Description
Students will be set in pairs. They will be told at what QR to start. Each QR station will have two QRs numbered one and two. QR 1 will have the information or activity to perform , while QR 2 will have the clue to continue to the next QR. They will scan the QRs previously located in different points around the classroom. By starting at different points around the classroom you avoid having too many people at one QR. The students will be able to answer the questions in the worksheet by scanning the QRs.This works sort of like a scavenger hunt, although the emphasis is not placed in solving the clues, but rather in being able to access the information on planets and answer the questions in their worksheets as well as completing certain tasks when required. When the students have finished scanning the QRs and answering the worksheet, they will be asked to write a team reflection on the back of the worksheet, on how the activity helped them understand the Solar System better and review the topic. They should include what IB attitudes they showed during the activity.
To implement it in your classroom:
Make copies of the attached files as needed previous to your class. You should print a worksheet for every two students.
12.- NETS for Students (NETS-S)
- Students apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
- Students use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
- Students interact and collaborate with peers and experts employing a variety of digital environments and media.
- Students communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
- Students evaluate and select information sources and digital tools according to the different tasks.
- Students process data and report results.
- Students advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
- Students exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
- Students understand and use technology systems.
- Students select and use applications effectively and productively.
After reading the information in the website about the Solar System. In your OWN words explain:
What is the Solar System?
How it was formed?
After reading the information in the website about the Sun. In your OWN words explain:
Why is our system called Solar System?
How was the sun born?
What are:
Sun spots: _________________________________________________
Solar flares: _______________________________________________
Solar winds: ______________________________________________
Watch the simulation and click on the background information to answer the question.
Why does the moon seem to change shape?
Complete the crossword puzzle, take a picture of the completed crossword puzzle and email the picture to your teacher.
How do we research or get information on the planets?
Watch the video and answer the question.
How does the rotation and orbit of the Earth affect us?
Browse this site for each one of the planets and write what you found most interesting or shocking about each planet.
Use the back of this worksheet to write a reflection on how this activity helped you review this unit and work collaboratively, make sure to include what IB attitudes you used during the activity. (Appreciation, Commitment, Confidence, Cooperation, Creativity, Curiosity, Empathy, Enthusiasm, Independence, Integrity, Respect and Tolerance)