miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Codes in Media

It is important to teach students the importance of media codes because they have to be critical. They should know how to analyse things that are being presented to them to be able to take wise decisions on what they buy. In our specific case and lesson plan shown below, it is for them to be able to decide what is a healthy decision regardless of the colors and objects or lighting in the add. This is a lesson we should all know.

Technical Codes

Two Magazine Ads


The codes on the Sandwich Thins are:

Symbols- The green color shows relation with nature, being healthy
     The objects in it is a pack of cigarettes and a single one.
Written- Buzzwords are doctor, smoke and Camels
 Catch phrases- More Doctors Smoke Camels than any other cigarette!      
Technical Codes Jr.- Camera angle is from the front making them look serious, very     
Framing and lighting to add on the seriousness.

The codes on Camels are:

Symbols- The color makes it look serious, being successful
     The objects in it are just the sandwich thins which are multi-grain bread
Written- Buzzwords are thin, diet, calories and select.
 Catch phrases it is an excellent source of fiber, with      
             only 100 calories each.
Technical Codes Jr.- Camera angle is from the top making them look smaller, maybe even
No framing and lighting is not too bright.

Two TV Ads-YouTube

Pepsi kick Mexico
In this TV ad we find that they use music and and catch words like “despierta”
Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
In this TV ad they use metal elements to imply strength, we can find the “you and only you” written code and the catchphrase: “You are what you eat”. They also use camera angles, framing and lighting to make the man look fit, healthy and attractive.Two Movie Title Sequence.

Codes on “Supersize Me”
This movie title sequence uses the kind of colors that make you think of food.

Codes on “Thank You for not Smoking”
In this example the main code is a catchphrase which is the inverse of something they’ve heard everywhere, plus the colors and elements.

Lesson on Codes in media

Objective- Students will learn to be critic with media and it’s relationship with their health and the decision making skills.

Materials- Worksheet, projector, computer links to videos (provided here) and adds (provided here).

  1. Provide students with the attached worksheet.
  2. Show them the YouTube videos, magazine ads and movie title sequences.
  3. Instruct them that they will have to fill the chart provided as a worksheet. They have to look at them and explain how it makes them feel, if they would buy the product and why?
  4. Let them watch and fill in the chart. Share as a class.
  5. Have a class discussion about the main purpose of advertisement, they will probably answer: to sell a product.
  6. Brainstorm about what kind of techniques media uses to sell a product, or get you to do or prefer something specific.
  7. Tell students they will watch a video about how media creates adds that relate to us to convince us to buy or prefer, certain things.
  8. They should now finish completing the columns in the chart that refer to codes.
  9. Instruct them to write a reflection on how the selection of media they observed relates to their HEALTH.
  10. Share as a class and wrap up by telling them the importance of being critic on everything they see on the media.

Name: ____________________________________ Date: _______________________

Reactions to Ads

Sandwich ThinsCamels
Pepsi Kick TV AdKellogg’s Corn Flakes TV AdSupersize Me Movie Title SequenceThank You for Smoking MTS
Do you find it attractive?
What does it make you think about?
Would you buy it?
Second View
What codes can you see?
Would you  buy the product now?
How does this add relate to your health?

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